From User Stories to the Product Backlog
After gathering user stories and epics, they are structured into the product backlog, forming a detailed “to-do list” for the development team. User stories are rephrased to sound more task-oriented.
- Example:
- User Story: “As a user, I want to see the ingredient list for each pizza.”
- Task: “Add ingredients box next to each menu item.”
These work items may also be referred to as Product Backlog Items (PBIs).
Product Backlog and Increments in Scrum
The Product Backlog is a comprehensive, ordered list of all tasks needed to build or enhance the product.
It serves as the foundation for the development team’s work, broken down into sprints.
An Increment is a completed, functional piece of the product that delivers value to users.
Each sprint produces one or more increments that are tested and ready for use in the real world.
Increments are like building blocks, adding functionality to the product step by step.
Early Value Delivery
Early Releases: Once a significant portion of the product (e.g., an epic or a group of functionalities) is complete, it can be released for users to start benefiting from it—even if the rest of the product is still in development.
This reduces the time to market—the time between the idea’s conception and its introduction to users.
Users can test and provide feedback on the most critical functionalities first, allowing for real-world adjustments before further features are developed.
Important functionalities are programmed and released first, enabling users to start working with the product early. Additional features are incrementally added and released, enhancing the product over time.